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Durieshill, Stirling

Stirling Council and Springfield have a vision for a new place with a significant connection to Stirling. A self-sustaining village with everything a community needs to thrive. That vision is Durieshill.

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Located along a stretch of Roman Road between Stirling’s services and Plean the land has been in the Local Development Plan for over 10 years. The new village sits in a distinctive landscape with rolling hills, woodland, stone dykes and shelter belts. The masterplan respects the quality of the landscape, it draws attention to natural features and reflects the best elements of a linear Scottish Village.

Durieshill Update View006 v5Durieshill will have everything a community needs to flourish and be a place people are proud to call home. It will include around 3,000 highly energy efficient homes for everyone from first time buyers to downsizers. There will be a mix of tenures with private housing, affordable housing and private rented sector housing extending the possibility of becoming a householder at Durieshill to all.

Durieshill Update View010 v4In the heart of the village there will be a community campus with a primary school, a secondary school and other community places like a library. There will be businesses like cafes, shops, dentists, hairdressers, post office or a pharmacy. There will be play parks, public art, planting, tree lined streets and benches. It will be the place where people live, work, learn, exercise, and socialise. 

Durieshill NorthEdge View001 v1Durieshill will be a beautiful country village where countryside and biodiversity are preserved - more than half of its area as woodland, community landscaping, allotments, and pocket parks. The village will link easily, via walking, cycle and bus routes that connect throughout Durieshill, to the wider Stirling area. And construction of the village will support hundreds of jobs and apprenticeships.

With planning approved in 2019, we’re expecting to start selling homes here next year. To sign up to the mailing list to be among the first to receive sales information, please visit our Durieshill page.